
LESS becoming MORE



How do
Want to BE?


Do you long for MORE for your Life & Living? Do you wish for increased Love, Pleasure & Freedom in your Body & BEing?

microfitness is a new way for WellBEing, one grounded in micro choices centered in our human nature. Humans do not have innate drives to "get healthy" or to "lose weight." We are wired to want more. Not for deprivation & denial. Not for shame & "shoulds." 

You CAN have more of what YOU want, wish and long for. microfitness provides awareness  & actions for abundant WellBEing. There is a different way. And you can start today. Anytime. Anywhere. In each moment, limitless choices exist that can provide MORE Love, Pleasure & Freedom, Meaning, Purpose & Belonging.

And, wait--there's even MORE... Through microfitness, we redefine meaningful & medically-relevant fitness as being of 4 Kinds: HEART, BREATH, BODY & PLAY. Want enhanced WellBEing in more ways than doing things you do not enjoy? Wish for more enjoyable options than pushing and prodding yourself to move in ways that you do not want to? Inside you will learn more about microexercises. And about how LESS can Become MORE....in so many ways. And about choices that are full of freedom, pleasure, purpose, laughter and  about changes led by your HEART & what you Uniquely love. 
For more about our philosophy
The 4 Kinds of Fitness